Starting at an age of three years, children attend the Talitha Kumi kindergarten. The colorful building invites the children to play no matter what the weather – there is a large outdoor playground, as well as a light-filled play-area inside the building.
During school time, the kindergarten takes care of 135 children between 7:30 in the morning and 2 o’clock in the afternoon. We have a nursery school for children aged 3-4 years, a kindergarten (children between 4 and 5 years of age) and a preschool (children 5-6 years of age).
The children eat in a separate area which is attached to the kitchen. We pay special attention to providing a healthy and balanced diet. In this regard, we aim to work closely together with the parents to encourage diet-consciousness at home as well. At the same time, eating should still be fun.
The colorful and light-filled space of the building provides room for many age-based activities. For optimal language development, we use small groups to teach the children basic knowledge of languages and natural history.